godište II  |  broj 4  |  Zagreb  |  21.3.2002.  |  ISSN 1333-5987

Zrinka Udiljak Bugarinovski, prof./dipl. knjižničar, Damir Pavelić, dipl. bibliotekar


Informatization of Library and Documentation Center at Faculty of Economics, Zagreb and Education of Library Users.



Astonishing development of computer technology and growing need for quick access to information influences a role of libraries.

Main problem in modernizing library work is How most effectivly satisfy users' need for information which means: gradually abandon information seeking using library card catalogue; access information from office or home via Internet; reduce time spent in information seeking by using computer technology rather than waiting in line for a paper copy of desired literature etc.

New way of doing business requires years of education for both library staff and users, which is a way that Library and documentation centre of Faculty of economics in Zagreb chose in 1998.


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