Sources: WR Hambrecht + CO, Corporate e-Learning: Exploring a New Frontier (Mar. 2000) , SunTrust Equitable Securities, e-Learning and Knowledge Technology (Mar. 2000), et al
Anywhere, anytime, anybody
Faculties can easily and simply distribute data necessary for studying, as well as other important data. Staff and students can then access this data where and when they find it most suitable, as for example from home or from the faculty.
Students get used to it faster and aren't afraid to make a mistake
With this kind of solutions, students are not afraid to make a mistake, explore and try out all the solutions which they think could be good, unlike classical instruction with the professor, where they are often afraid they will make a mistake.
Consistency of data
What does courseware provide? |

Courseware helps to conduct distance learning. It saves time (on learning and lecturing) and money (on the professor and travelling), while increasing the consistency of data and offering the possibility to measure effectiveness. | | |
With this solution all students always see the same materials regardless of when they see them. That way the possibility that one part of the students saw the instructional materials, while the other did not is avoided. The professor can be sure that all the students saw the materials and in the same way.
Measuring effectiveness
Most tools offer the possibility to monitor students. That allows the professor to easily see exactly how much time the students spent on studying. Further monitoring can show the increase in productivity.
Reduction of instruction costs
According to, organisation that measures the success of students who use computer for studying, this way of studying saved 40-60% in big companies. According to a survey, only IBM saved almost 200 million dollars in one year of using training with the help of computers.
Reduced study time
These solutions offer greater possibility to pace studying to student's own needs. There is no pressure like in classic group instruction with a professor, where an individual has to adapt to the pace of the group.
Students memorize more through independent study
According to a research done by Research Institute of America after a professor instructed course students remember about 58% of the materials presented at the course. By the next day they remember about 33%, while 3 weeks after the course they will remember only 15% of the knowledge acquired in the class. In this type of instruction students remember about 25-60% of the materials for a longer period. Greater quantity of memorized materials also significantly contributes to profitability of this type of learning.
Greater productivity
Motorola foresees that every dollar invested in education will return the value of 30 dollars in productivity increase within the next three years.
Significant savings of travelling expenses
According to Training Magazine, corporations save 50 - 70% by changing from teacher instructed courses to computer based instruction. This way of learning also means that courses can be divided into smaller units, which can be spread over several days, even weeks, which results in the worker not having to be away from work for a whole day or even two, which is the length of an average instructed course.