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Reference centers / Registration of E-education projects /

Who can participate


The following can participate in FP6:

  • any legal entities registered on the grounds of national, international or European laws and regulations, whether universities, institutes, small businesses or corporations, or potential beneficiaries of project outcomes
  • any physical persons, in case of scholarships or trainings.

The minimum number of partners is 3 (1 from EU + 2 from candidate countries or vice versa) - Croatia can participate as the 4th project partner.

For a Call regarding the West Balkans - a minimum of 3 partners (1 from EU + 2 from different countries) - Croatia can participate as the 3rd project partner.

The level of participation eligibility depends on which group of countries a potential partner country comes from. FP6 distinguishes 5 groups of countries plus an additional category of international organisations (FAO, WHO, CERN and similar):

Candidate countries As Member States
(e.g. EEE, Switzerland, Israel)
if threshold = or > to 3
+ 2 Member States / Associated Candidate Countries /International European Interest Organisations
if threshold = 1

as Member States

INCO countries (2)

with or without S&T Agreement

INCO activities Priorities and other acivities
if targeted by the specific INCO activity
+ minimum number of Member States / Associated States
if not targeted by the specific INCO activity
+ minimum number of Member States / Associated States / INCO countries targeted by the specific INCO activity

+ minimum number of Member States / Asociated States Third countries
S&T Agreement
If foreseen by the S&T Agreement


+ minimum number
of Member States /
Asociated States
Other countries
with or without S&T Agreement
+ minimum number of Member States/Associated States / INCO countries targeted by the specific INCO activity Third countries
S&T Agreement
If necessary
if foreseen by the Work Programme or call for proposals
+ minimum number of Member States / Asociated States
European interest (e.g. CERN, ESA, ESO, ...) As Member States
Other (e.g. WHO, FAO, ...) + minimum number of Member States / Asociated States and INCO target countries + minimum number of Member States / Asociated States Other
(e.g. WHO,
FAO, ...)
If necessary
(ad-hoc basis)
if foreseen by the Work Programme or call for proposals
+ minimum number of Member States / Asociated States
(1) Where no threshold is required the addition to a minimum number of Member States / Associated States condition is not applicable
(2) List of target countries (NIS, Balkans, MED & DEV) detailed in the related workprogramme

  As Member States
  + supplementary eligibility criteria
  + upon approval by the Commission (workprogramme, calls for proposals or ad-hoc basis)

(Source: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/inco-participation.htm)

      • EU members
      • EU membership candidates
      • Associated countries (whether or not they have signed the Science and Technology Agreement)
      • Third countries (*Croatia)
      • Others

EU members and candidate countries enjoy an unlimited participation; however, limitations are set to other groups, primarily where co-financing is concerned. Still, there are virtually no limitations to participation when it is not co-financed.

Participation of Croatian partners

  • Croatia is a third country which has not signed the Science and Technology Agreement; as such, its co-financed cooperation is limited to INCO (International co-operation) sub-line within "Specific activities covering a wider field of research" framework, specific activities in other parts of the same framework, and participation in activities of seven thematic priorities, not exceeding the budget reserved for third-country cooperation within thematic priorities framework. Additionally, Croatia can participate as a third country in the mobility programme (Marie Curie scholarships) within the "Structuring the ERA" framework.
  • The total budget for cooperation with third countries for the two above-mentioned frameworks amounts to 600 M EUR.
    It is important to point out that Croatia cannot be an FP6 project coordinator; it can merely participate as 3rd or 4th member.
  • Other lines are open for cooperation, yet the possibility of co-financing depends on whether participation of Croatian partners is necessary for the success of a project (ad-hoc decision), which is to be decided by EC, or whether such a possibility is specifically stipulated by the regulations of the bid or by its operations programme.



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