COST was founded in 1971, during a ministers' conference of EC member countries, EFTA countries, Turkey and the former Yugoslavia. It has since developed into one of the biggest frameworks for scientific and technical cooperation, integrating almost 30,000 scientists from 34 European countries and several international institutions in 16 different fields of research. |
The aim of COST is to make sure that Europe keeps its strong position in the field of scientific and technical research and boost European cooperation in these fields. COST has developed into one of the major European lines and it serves as a valuable mechanism of coordination between national research activities all around Europe. So far, over 200 actions have been carried out, involving over 40,000 scientists from 34 countries, and 50 institutions from 14 additional countries, amounting to over 2 billion EUR.
In 1992, the Republic of Croatia became a full COST member. Currently, Croatia is participating in 37 COST projects, involving about a hundred scientist, including numerous novice researchers.
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