At a recent conference of member countries in Thessaloniki, held in June 2002, 1,313 M EUR has been allotted for the previously announced projects and subprojects which were started in the course of last year. The total value of all the ongoing projects exceeds 21,525 M EUR. It should be emphasised that EUREKA budget for Croatia in the year 2002 amounted to only 300,000 EUR, which was insufficient to significantly stimulate companies and scientific and research institutions to join EUREKA projects.
Each partner submits application in their own country ("bottom-up approach")
- 20% - 50% - EUREKA
- Remaining amount - covered by partner investments
Financing scheme:
EUREKA budget for Croatia for 2001 and 2002: 2.280,000 kn (310,000 EUR)
Rules of financing:
- 30 day evaluation period
- monies are granted after a positive evaluation
- there is a limit of up to 150,000 EUR for a 36-month period (which amounts to 50% of a project's total value if the project budget is less than 300,000 EUR), whilst the remaining monies are partner investments
- additional funds can only be approved if the project has been granted the status of a strategically important project for the country, by the Ministry
Funding outline (in %)
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