Conditions of application
The project applicant should be a legal entity listed in the Register of Universities or in the Register of Scientific Research Legal Entities. If the applicant is a legal entity not falling in any of these categories, it is necessary that the project be relevant to the academic and scientific research community; in that case, a formal recommendation of a university or a public institute or a body of state administration responsible for a particular field is required, provided that the project is related to the application of IT in that particular field.
Application procedure
In April each year the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport will announce a call for submitting IT application projects. The call will be announced on the web site of the Ministry, as well as in press; submittals will be accepted within thirty days from the announcement of the call.
After the call for IT application projects has been published, project applicants should send the completed project application forms, available at the Ministry's web site.
Projects should be submitted by project leaders and signed by the institutions' heads; the completed forms should be sent in the written form by mail, as well as in the digital form by e-mail.
Basic data on the projects submitted:
- name and address of the institutions submitting the projects
- full name and e-mail of the project leaders
- full name of projects
should be published on the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport's web site. The results of the calls for IT application projects will be published in October of the current year on the Ministry's web site.
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