Signing the Agreement on CARDS 2004 financing, amounting to 76 million EUR.
According to the announcement by the European Commission's delegation in Croatia, the Agreement on CARDS 2004 annual programme financing, amounting to 76 million EUR, is to be signed on Monday by Jacques Wunenburger, the head of the delegation, and Ms Kolinda Grabar-Kitaroviæ, the Croatian minister of European Integration.
This agreement will make it possible for the funds required for the implementation of projects agreed upon by relevant bodies of the Croatian state administration and the European Commission to become formally and legally available. The CARDS 2004 Programme focuses on five areas of priority.
Thus, the area of democratic stabilisation, i.e. repatriation support, has been granted 17.5 million EUR; 17.75 million EUR has been granted for encouraging economic and social development; 21.85 million EUR has been granted for law and internal affairs; 15.1 million EUR has been granted for the advancement of administrative capacity and 3.8 million EUR for environment protection and natural resources.
The aim of the above-mentioned projects is to provide support for implementation of responsibilities that Croatia assumed as a part of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement within the global context of the country's economic and social development. According to the official report, this is the fourth agreement on financing to have been signed with the European Commission by the Croatian Government.
Source: Banka Magazine news, 26th November 2004
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