Fonts |
A unique font can give a page a visual lift and personality.
Attractive font used in the title can attract attention, even is what follows is text on a simple white page.
Fonts can be purchased on many pages, like:
EyeWire, Garagefonts, LetterSpace, Bitstream, Myfonts, t26, p22, Fonthaus.
Not all computers have identical fonts installed, so some of the more uncommon fonts open on some computers as the computer-set font, most often Times New Roman. The best solution for this problem is the use of classical fonts which will open the same on any computer. Fonts which most computers will have are:
Arial Black
Comic Sans
Courier New
Times New Roman
Webdings Webdings
Any created font can also be used if it is put on the web site as gif or jpeg and displayed as graphics, but that is suitable only for titles.
Web page design should not depend on the text since the font type and size are rarely displayed the same on different screens.