Why computer supported education? Because it facilitates the development of higher quality educational materials. Because it presents new possibilities in the organization of teaching, especially in communication with the students.
Why create hypertext educational materials?
Personal motives.
Every lecturer knows that classes have to be continuously added to and updated on yearly bases. Transferring to hypertext materials does require more effort and time than continuing to use old technologies. But the students will get higher quality materials and feel the professor's commitment. Both of these factors results in a more effective learning.
Those who wish to do their job the best they can will create hypertext instructional literature.
Experience tells us that development of educational materials, especially if it is done for the first time, requires a lot of time. That is why economic profitability is quite questionable and possibilities of financing the project which could cover the invested effort need to be studied.
Internet is, of course, and open medium and your work will be available to the whole world. You may even receive a positive criticism from the Bahamas or some world talent scout may notice how much they need your sense of what is important.