The use of IT in itself will not ensure good quality lectures.
The prevailing opinion is that at the moment the skill of lecturing is not appreciated enough at the universities.
Experience tells us that there are scientists and experts who do not know how to transfer their knowledge to their students clearly enough.
Lectures can be delivered in several ways, with greater or smaller degree of technical support i.e. information technologies. Lecture is, of course, just one part of the activities in the course realization.
During a lecture different methodological techniques are used. All of them can be successful, and the measurement of success is whether the students acquired the presented subject matter. The selection of technique depends on the lecturer and it will be made in accordance with the available technical resources and the lecturer's own affinity.
This problem belongs to teaching methodology, which is covered in detail in the technical literature section. In this section teaching techniques are only of interest to us as far as they are necessary for the presentation of different options of IT use.
A lecturer can be exceptionally efficient using nothing but chalk and blackboard, because he/she relies on establishing good contact with the students.
Lectures in which an overhead projector is used have two advantages compared to chalk and blackboard. The first is speed, since the lecturer can present all the information he would fill the blackboard with, on just one transparency. The other significant advantage are images, since a lecture can be enriched with pictures, photographs, complex schemes and diagrams.
In the technological sense a projector connected to a computer enables a lecturer to use hypertext instructional materials to their full potential. This approach enables the lecturer to enrich his/her lecture in terms of content. Preparation and presentation of hypertext instructional materials puts a demand on the lecturers to acquire the knowledge about the new technologies.
Increasingly present online courses held over the Internet are structured in such a way that all the contacts between the students and professors (access to learning materials as well as tests) are conducted over the net. This kind of educational system often uses the function of tutor who encourages and facilitates the communication between the students, as well as making sure that he timeframe and deadlines in the course are met.