ISO i JTC 1 |
U okviru ISO standardizacijom se u suradnji s IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) na području informacijske tehnologije se bavi JTC 1 (Joint Technical Commitee 1)
Svoju misiju JTC 1 opisuje: «Develop, maintain, promote and facilitate IT standards required by global markets meeting business and user requirements concerning: - design and development of IT systems and tools
- performance and quality of IT products and systems
- security of IT systems and information
- portability of application programs
- interoperability of IT products and systems
- unified tools and environments
- harmonized IT vocabulary
user friendly and ergonomically designed user interfaces” U okviru JTC1 organiziran je Subcommittee 36 koji pokriva područje korištenja informatičkih tehnologija u obrazovanju i poučavanju «ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training»