Binary – Binary file is a direct image of the bits stored into the computer’s RAM memory. This is a lot more concise and precise than ASCII.
Bit - (Binary DigIT) is the smallest unit of a computer file, consisting of a 1 or 0. The combination of bits can point to a letter, a number or perform signalization, transfer to another function etc. In large groups they are usually measured by bits per second.
Bitmap – Type of a computer image where information about the picture is stored as a matrix of individual pixels.
BMP – File format supporting most of Windows applications, for saving a bitmap.
Body – Referring to e-mail, a part of a message containing the majority of the textual content, the part between the header and the signature or the middle part of HTML documents.
Bookmark or Favorites - Netscape and Internet Explorer; application in Internet browsers which stores the addresses or pages which we wish to open in our future searches.
Bps – Bits per second; Measure for data transfer speed.
Browser - A program which enables the user to search the World Wide Web (WWW) and other Internet content by using GUI (Graphical User Interface). Examples of browsers are: Mosaic, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.
Bug –Syntactical or logical error in the program code.
Byte – File unit; consist of 8 bits: For example: 01101010.